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Thorn Trilogy #3


I should have stayed away from the Isle of Crow but secrets drew me back. Secrets and him.
I watched him go through with a wedding he didn’t want and I waited so I could reveal his truth, like the good girl I was.

I’m not so good anymore. I’m dirty. I’m defiled. I’m broken. And not even Rupert Thorn can fix me. At least, not in the way we both expected.


It wasn’t the truth of my family that changed me; it was seeing him on his knees in front of my girl. He broke her and now everyone’s going to pay. I’m done making threats. I’m done biding my time. I’m burning this place to the ground. It will all be over – the lies, the drugs, the corruption…

If only it were that simple.

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© 2020 by January James

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